16. Garden of Philosophy

Here’s the thing… When the growing season started. I could take my mind off about the garden and my young plants easily. Even in the past few days it has been snowing here 🌨 and the weather is too cold and windy to work outside. My mind is still working in the garden. I wouldContinue reading “16. Garden of Philosophy”

12. It’s just a matter of time

Seed good thoughts 💭 Good results will be present. … In the beginning, perhaps it looks like a waste. You might question yourself, why do I do this? There’s noting coming out at all. You might find nothing workouts at first. Because things take time to grow just like seeds. Good seeds that place underContinue reading “12. It’s just a matter of time”

11. How are you doing?

These are young broad beans (Vicia Faba). I have them planted out five days earlier; I thought the weather was okay. Yesterday was colder and finally snowing 🌨 and it was – 2°C at night. I’m not sure anymore if they will survive through this. And it will be this cold for another 2-3 daysContinue reading “11. How are you doing?”

10. Report from happy retired pair’s garden

Previous post is the picture-report from my garden in Germany. On the other side of the word, my parents sent me pictures from Thailand as well. See how it looks!! 😊 💖 … View from the front side of the house 🏡 I truly hand down to my parents. They do the best gardening! 💖✨😊Continue reading “10. Report from happy retired pair’s garden”

8. Garden work now begins!

Good morning from my garden! I. While my parents do gardening in my hometown, Thailand. In Germany, the growing season started and we are planing to write a new chapter (for this year) for our my garden’s story. Start off the new balcony (on the left side) that my husband was building a new rooftopContinue reading “8. Garden work now begins!”

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