23. Snow peas finally give some pods! | Made my garden a ‘Garden of Philosophy’

Hi Happy gardeners! Here is the latest update from my garden! Last two weeks I was very busy in the garden, working full time! By full-time, I meant I work every day from the morning to the evening. Because I wanted to finish up my bedding area. Except for adding new beds for getting greaterContinue reading “23. Snow peas finally give some pods! | Made my garden a ‘Garden of Philosophy’”

16. Garden of Philosophy

Here’s the thing… When the growing season started. I could take my mind off about the garden and my young plants easily. Even in the past few days it has been snowing here 🌨 and the weather is too cold and windy to work outside. My mind is still working in the garden. I wouldContinue reading “16. Garden of Philosophy”

14. Life of weeds

I used to hate weeds when they grow all over the garden. However, when I started working with them. I realized that they are not really harmful or do so much damage. They are the indicators of soil and location that plants can grow. Moreover, some of them even help to protect from heat plusContinue reading “14. Life of weeds”

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